The Award-winning Retail Bookstore Uses CipherLab's RS35 for Order Picking in Its Warehouse and Distribution Center
Warehousing Solution | CipherLab RS35 Touch Mobile Computer in Retail Bookstore Chain Industry

As one of the largest celebrated leaders in the cultural and creative industry, this retail bookstore chain opened its first store in Taipei, Taiwan in 1989, and has developed into a comprehensive platform not only for bookstores, retail channels, lifestyle brands, hotels, and restaurants, but also for galleries, arts, and cultural performances. This retail bookstore was awarded the Best Bookstore in Asia by Times Magazine. It's also been selected as one of the world's coolest bookstores by CNN.
In late 2020, this bookstore launched a new website and mobile app to expand into the e-commerce market to boost customer experience and add more convenience. Having its own warehouse and distribution center enabled it to introduce hundreds of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) to rapidly control inventory and shipping. In fact, this bookstore is expecting to provide even faster shipping service, meaning that all items will be shipped within 24 hours after the order is received. In light of this, accurate and efficient warehouse order picking is key to offer faster order fulfillment times to customers. The CipherLab RS35 equipped with an advanced reading engine has therefore been selected to conduct order picking in the warehouse. In addition to its sufficient production capacity, achievable local support is also one of the main reasons CipherLab obtained the opportunity to provide service with our demand-oriented mobile technology. Furthermore, simplifying configuration and deployment for CipherLab's Android-based mobile devices with the CipherLab Mobile Deployment Suite, Android Deployment Configurator (ADC), and Wireless Mobile Deployment System WMDS, have helped device configuration and management greatly.
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