The CipherLab RS31 Ensures Smooth Visitor Access to French Royal Palace
The CipherLab RS31 Ensures Smooth Visitor Access to French Royal Palace

The CipherLab RS31 Ensures Smooth Visitor Access to French Royal Palace
The Palais-Royal has been the principal royal residence of France since the 17th century. It is located about 20 km southwest of the center of Paris. Most of its furnishings were destroyed during the French Revolution, but many pieces have been restored and returned since then. The palace received more than 7 million visitors in 2017, making it the second most popular visited site in France, just behind the Louvre and slightly ahead of the Eiffel Tower.
As the palace tries to accommodate many visitors every day, the long queues and chaos at the ticket office are the source of frustration for each ticket inspector. This caused the palace managers to look for a mobile device that could facilitate visitors, minimize queuing, and free up ticket inspectors and staff to better assist visitors' other more pressing inquiries. Additionally, the staff wanted to find a device that could not only scan 2D barcodes, which were becoming increasingly popular for use in event ticketing, but serve as a good wireless communication tool in real time as well.
Thankfully, the CipherLab RS31 mobile computer fulfilled each and every one of the Palais-Royal's requirements. Firstly, the RS31 provides reliable WiFi and 4G/LTE connections, making real time communication extremely easy, which was also essential for the back room to control the capture of important statistics, such as visitor numbers. The RS31 also reads both 1D and 2D barcodes, allowing physical tickets or codes on smartphone displays to be easily read, and it even provides accurate scanning in bright sunlight. Powered by the Android OS, the RS31 makes it very easy for both young and older ticket inspectors to quickly adapt to the mobile device, as it is just like using any other smart phone. Other factors also favored the RS31 mobile computer, such as its rugged design which can withstand 1.2 m drop, and the fact that it is ergonomically designed. Its small size and light weight makes it comfortable easily handled even after prolonged use.
Mobile ticketing is an important tool for a wide variety of venues and events including concerts, live theatre, movie theaters, museums, seminars and conferences. CipherLab provides a diverse line-up of powerful and rugged mobile computers to efficiently optimize the event operations and streamline visitors' entry to any venue.
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