CipherLab Handheld Scanner Helps with Drug Administration Implementation

CipherLab Handheld Scanner Helps with Drug Administration Implementation


CipherLab Handheld Scanner Helps with Drug Administration Implementation

CipherLab's 1564A handheld scanner's advance functions make the Three Checks and Five Rights procedure more efficient. It provides reliability in data capturing accuracy, ensuring precise information. It streamlines daily process in medical environments. Built with ergonomic designs, it enables users to get the job done anytime and anywhere.

When doing drug administration, it is critical to implement “The Three Checks and The Five Rights” principle. It is a standard procedure that helps nurse to ensure each of the correct drug is going to the correct patient. The nurse checks three times on the right patient, right drug, right dose, right time and right route. A medical center with more than five hospitals across Taiwan adopted ChiperLab handheld scanner 1564A to further assist nurses to execute this principle.

The Three Checks and The Five Rights is critical when doing drug administration. This is what nurses need to do many times a day. In order to make the process more efficient with accuracy and decrease mistakes, a good tool with data capture capability is required to assist nurses to execute these checks. CipherLab 1564A offers powerful reliability with efficiency. It is ideal for a wide range of applications from retail to healthcare. The scanner is not only built with advanced functions, but it is also built with ergonomic design that provides extreme durability – day in, day out. Its 2D barcode scanner offers enhanced data capture to streamline daily processes in medical environments. CipherLab 1564A is capable of Bluebooth® transmission with the communication stand from a range of 90 meters away which enable nurses to get more jobs done in more places. It ensures the capture of critical information anytime and anywhere. Also, the option of hands-free scanning boosts efficiency.

Thanks to the connection between CipherLab and our partner, CipherLab was able to provide the best solution that mets end users' requirements thorough end user's applications and demands.

CipherLab always aims to provide the best solution to the market. With the raising demands for advanced scanning abilities, CipherLab attentively designed the 2500 series, the durable handheld scanner, which is similar to 1500 series. It is equipped with advanced scanning abilities to suit various applications.

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