
CipherLab has engineered mobile computing solutions to keep people moving and free of unnecessary task with accurate data collection in logistics, transportation, warehousing, route accounting, direct store delivery, field service, and sales.

Windows / Android Systems
Android Mobile Computers
CipherLab Android-based mobile computers combine the intuitive user experience with rugged design, making them ideal for the workers in fast-paced industries who need to quickly respond to customer's requests. Built with versatile functionalities, they are designed to maximize efficiency, productivity and customer satisfaction.

  • RS38H Series
    5G Touch Mobile Computer
    As healthcare providers face increasing demands for task efficiency and digital record management, the CipherLab RS38H offers a ...Learn more

  • RS38 Series
    5G Touch Mobile Computer
    CipherLab's RS38 touch mobile computers, engineered with the latest wireless technologies such as 5G, Wi-Fi 6E, and CBRS, ...Learn more

  • RK26 Series
    Rugged Mobile Computer
    CipherLab's rugged RK26, with an IP65 rating and military-certified for 1.5m impact resistance, excels in both indoor and ...Learn more

  • RS36 Series
    Touch Mobile Computer

    The CipherLab RS36 touch mobile computer is the upgrade to the hugely successful RS35. Built on Android 12 … Learn more

  • RK95 Series
    Industrial Mobile Computer

    CipherLab's RK95 is a powerful handheld terminal that steps up the data collection game in the warehouse ... Learn more

  • RS51 Series
    Rugged Touch Mobile Computer

    With the development of E-commerce, delivery speed is in demand for industries such as transportation… Learn more

Proprietary Systems
CipherLab Operating System (cOS) terminals are designed to tackle task-specific applications and provide long lasting performance with no down time. Featured simple and user-friendly interface, users are able to instantly get familiar with daily operations with very little training. In addition, the free Application Generator software allows quick and easy application development, giving users handy tools for maximized customization.

  • 8600 Series
    Industrial Mobile Computer

    Being a pioneer product of new generation, the 8600 series mobile computer is designed to meet the demands of the warehousing, distribution...Learn more

  • 8400 Series
    Light Industrial Mobile Computer

    Purposely designed to improve productivity, the 8400 series puts powerful mobile applications in the hands of workers who can use this smart handheld...Learn more

  • 8300 Series
    Light Industrial Mobile Computer

    For a rugged workhorse packed with features and value, the 8300 series is the best handheld mobile computer to...Learn more

  • 8200 Series
    Enterprise Mobile Computer

    Light, compact, simple to use, and easy to program with C, Basic Compiler, or Application Generator, the 8200 series mobile computer is built to meet your...Learn more

  • 8000 Series
    Pocket-size Mobile Computer

    The best things come in small packages-that's why you can expect incredible productivity and great value from the 8000 series. Our pocket-sized...Learn more

Zeigen Sie den 1. bis 12. insgesamt in insgesamt 12 an.


Mobiler Computer mit Touchscreen
Beschreibung Übersicht
Die RS38-Touch Mobilcomputer von CipherLab, die mit den neuesten Fun ...


Wi-Fi 6 Robuster Mobilcomputer
Beschreibung Übersicht
Der Wi-Fi 6 robuste RK26 von CipherLab mit Schutzart IP65, Stoßfesti ...


Mobiler Computer mit Touchscreen
Der mobile Computer RS35 von CipherLab bietet Funktionen der Enterprise-Klasse. S ...

RS36 Series

Mobiler Computer mit Touchscreen
* Die Funktionen, Spezifikationen und Konfigurationen verschiedener Modelle können sich in ...


Mobiler Industriecomputer
Der RK95 von CipherLab ist ein leistungsstarker Mobilcomputer, der die Datenerfas ...


Robuster Mobilcomputer
Ob Einzelhandel, Lagerbetrieb oder Außendient – überall, wo Datenerfassung und -e ...


Robuster Mobilcomputer
Der Bereich E-Commerce setzt seinen Wachstumskurs kontinuierlich fort. Daher spie ...


Industrieller Mobilcomputer
Die Mobilcomputer der Serie 9700 von CipherLab wurden gezielt für anspruchsvolle ...


Mobiler Computer für industrielle Anforderungen
Als Pionierprodukt der neuen Generation ist die mobile Computer-Serie 8600 für di ...


Leichter industrieller mobiler Computer
Die robuste 8300-Serie ist mit vielen nützlichen Funktionen ausgestattet. Dieser ...


Enterprise Mobile Computer
Der mobile Computer der 8200er-Serie ist leicht, kompakt, einfach zu bedienen und ...


Mobile Computer im Taschenformat
Leistungsstärke setzt kein riesiges Gerät voraus: Deshalb können Sie von der klei ...