

專注於建立事業,讓 CipherLab Service Advantage™ 保護您的裝置。工業仰賴高效率的技術。CipherLab 將會監督硬體,以防止和修復故障。可靠的電子產品對生產力而言極為重要,例如我們的高韌性行動電腦、條碼掃描器和 RFID 讀取器。但是,完善的保固方案可以確保不會因為損壞,而導致業務中斷或資產損失。CipherLab Service Advantage™ 可以快速修復或更換裝置,不需要高昂的成本。購買我們的產品是一項有價值的支出,因為它們的耐用性和保固方案可以讓貴公司的作業順利運作。

客戶透過 CipherLab 線上退貨平台可以體驗輕鬆的 RMA 流程。保固參與者可以從任何位置登入網站,以開啟和管理申請。CipherLab 代表很樂意提供協助,且會盡快解決您的疑慮。
CipherLab Service Advantage™ 提供各種預防性選擇。客戶可以選擇標準、延長、基本或頂級保固,以享有長達 5 年的保障。各方案的時間長度和保證類別不同,例如硬體瑕疵、韌體升級、意外損壞和維修處理時間。如果有需要,可以購買延長保固。
線上 RMA 服務
客戶透過 CipherLab 線上退貨平台可以體驗輕鬆的 RMA 流程。保固參與者可以從任何位置登入網站,以開啟和管理申請。CipherLab 代表很樂意提供協助,且會盡快解決您的疑慮。
CipherLab 知道貴企業需要迅速完成維修工作。技術人員將會在 2-7 天內修復裝置,視保固方案而定。在短暫的時間內,即能徹底和迅速地測試及修復電子產品。CipherLab 會緊急處理所有的情況,因為我們的代表瞭解績效落差將會對貴公司造成負面影響。

CipherLab 專家在修復硬體時,會同時改善裝置的軟體。他們將會免費安裝安全性和更新 Android 作業系統*。在返還後,裝置的功能將會變得更順暢、資料將會受到保護,並可使用升級後的功能。CipherLab 裝置在完成這些流程後,將能超越競爭對手及產生可觀的投資報酬。

避免裝置試運轉造成額外的麻煩。CipherLab Service Advantage™ 尊重您的技術是為了加強業務而量身打造。團隊會進行裝置的試運轉,以維持您的營運需求。裝置在送回之後,原有的作業系統、業務應用程式和軟體皆會保持原始製造狀態,除在提出 RMA 服務時指定外。特殊的試運轉將會收取服務費。CipherLab 知道缺少這些功能,貴企業可能會面臨日常阻礙。未設定試運轉時,公司的資訊技術部門或第三方公司必須重新安裝您的偏好。利用此附加功能可以節省時間和精力。


Warranty Plans of CipherLab Service Advantage
Service Standard Extended Essential Premium
Contract Length 1 Year 2, 3 and 4 years 3 and 5 years 3 and 5 years
General Coverage Warranty Repair
Normal Wear and Tear - -
Accidental Damage - -
All Material Parts and Labor - -
Device Diagnostic Tool1
Software Updates Android Updates / Patches
Android Version Upgrade Optional Optional
CipherLab ReMoCloud - - ReMoCloud ReMoCloud
Zero-touch Enrollment - -
Standard Device Commissioning Optional Optional
Turnaround Time and Shipping Repair Turnaround Time 7 business days after received by service center 5 business days after received by service center 3 business days after received by service center 2 business days after received by service center
Shipment Receiving2 - - -
Worry-Free Same Problem after Repair within 90 Days
Add-on Services Battery Insurance 3 - - Optional Optional
Replacement Device - - - Optional
Spare Pool  Service - - - Optional
Total Loss Insurance4 - - - Optional
Technical Support
  1. The device diagnostic tool is available for RS35, RS36, RS38, RK26, and RK95.
  2. Exclude AU and NZ.
  3. The freight charges will depend on the battery plan you choose. Import/export tariffs and other related additonal costs will be borne by the customer.
  4. The Total Loss Insurance is available for RS36, RS38, RK95 and RK26 only and applies to Europe, AU and NZ. For specific details, please refer to the terms of the contract.
  5. The rights of explanation for the terms regarding the defects and repairs shall be reserved by CipherLab.
  6. Service availability may vary by country. Please contact your CipherLab representative for a list of CipherLab mobile computers eligible for CipherLab Service Advantage.
  7. When it is in need of repair, please log in CipherLab RMA System, http://e-rma.cipherlab.com.tw, and fill in an RMA request form.
  8. Accessories are provided with an extended warranty of 3 months.

CipherLab Service Eligibility Guidelines
CipherLab Service Advantage Brochure